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Welcome to a new season of Cape Robotics!

On this page you'll find infomation about this year's challenge and our newest middle school and high school teams.

High Stakes

This year's VEX Robotics Challenge is called "High Stakes" - check it out here:

Introducing our teams

Middle School 


Emmy, Nina, Delia, Anika, Max, Charlie and Lorelei

56K: Killer Sea Rats

Ben, Bennet, Alex, Patrick, Elliot


Shaw, Elliott, Kellan, Alex, Ruby

High School

56R: FrostByte

Ezra, Alex, Wren

56S: Self Destruct System

Noah, Hudson, Jonah, Finn


Aman, Nick, Luc

56F: Armageddon

Brendan, Erik, Ayden

56T: PB&Js

Sam, Emmett, Alex R.

56M: Murphy's Law

Massi, Sam, Finnegan

For a current list of competitions click here.
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